Yes, this is us. I hope I am not the only business owner making this decision for myself and my employees on Wednesday, March 8, 2017.
But if we are, I’ll take the credit, or the blame. I had to put some thought into it, to be honest. Our core team is small, and the financial outlay is real. Still, I feel that it’s worth it. Last year on this same day, I shared my thoughts on feminism on a different blog. This year I wanted to look past ideological labels. We as an organization want to express our deep gratitude for the contributions of every woman, paid or unpaid, in every country and culture.

One of our stockholders screenprinted this image onto a handbag a few years ago. I’ll always be thankful for her gift.
Yes Exactly will of course remain reachable by phone or email for server outages or other emergencies, just as on weekends and other paid holidays. There will be no significant effects for customers, but this is much more than a symbolic action.
Women have so much more power than we realize. We just need to claim it. How can we stake that claim? With support, love, and helping hands from other women. That is the only way.
This March 8 message may be too “radical” for some potential investors or clients. But Yes Exactly is a company built on integrity. I don’t use those words lightly.
Happy International Women’s Day to everyone! I hope you find a way to celebrate, remember, and honor the women in your own lives in some small way, even if you cannot take the day off work.
Tess Gadwa
CEO, Yes Exactly